Deliver Us The Moon Review

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Action, adventure, Deliver Us The Moon, Deliver Us The Moon Review, indie, KeokeN Interactive, PS4, PS4 Review, Sci-Fi, Short, Space, Wired Productions

Space is a subject matter that features in many plots, whether that is set in the present or the future, the space setting usually doesn’t bode too well for the protagonists. This time round Deliver Us The Moon has space as its setting. Deliver Us The Moon goes straight into the story describing how nature has taken a turn for the worse and but humanity hasn’t. Humanity has come together to form the World Space Agency and it is this organisation which is helping shape the future of the earth and all who inhabitant it.

In Deliver Us The Moon, a new colony was formed on a moon, a new fuel Helium-3 is found and turned into energy to shoot down to earth. Unfortunately these good times only last so long and in 2054 everything comes to a standstill, even more worryingly the colony or space station isn’t responding. Five years later the scientists manage to send one lucky astronaut into space to find out what’s going on and that lucky person is you in Deliver Us The Moon. The premise of Deliver Us The Moon is quite intriguing, it does certainly pull you in from the start. Played in both first person and third person you are given various tasks to complete to move the story along.

Action, adventure, Deliver Us The Moon, Deliver Us The Moon Review, indie, KeokeN Interactive, PS4, PS4 Review, Sci-Fi, Short, Space, Wired Productions

There are several several intense dramatic scenes interspersed with what could described as a walking simulator in Deliver Us The Moon. For example, at the start, things start off quite slowly then once you get the rocket ready suddenly you have a limited amount of time to get to it otherwise you die. Luckily the checkpoint saves are many, so if you do die there usually isn’t much you have to retread besides some more infuriating than they should be puzzles. The first person perspective of Deliver Us The Moon definitely gives you a claustrophobic feeling as you slowly move your way across various points. Generally moving around is pretty straightforward although the turn left and right in first person perspective is quite slow. Puzzle wise Deliver Us The Moon has a nice variety, there’s not too many fetch and retrieve missions. You don’t have any weapons in Deliver Us The Moon but there are many instances where you could die, although any time you do you will realise why and want to quickly rectify the situation.

Deliver Us The Moon does suffer from something you don’t really experience too much these days and that is annoying long load times, this can occur when moving from one area to the next or loading after dying. This kind of loading does detract from the Deliver Us The Moon experience a little.  Deliver Us The Moon is quite a short title, there are numerous collectables to find which don’t improve your skills but add some more weight behind the story and how you feel about it. Graphically Deliver Us The Moon is really pleasant on the eye, sometimes space settings leave things really bare, that’s not the case with here. Whether you’re on the ground or in space there is a real high level of detail going into many things whether that’s your space suit or the well designed space station. There’s quite a lot of voice acting in Deliver Us The Moon and all of it is of good quality, each conversation you uncover or when your team are helping you out all feels like it should.

Action, adventure, Deliver Us The Moon, Deliver Us The Moon Review, indie, KeokeN Interactive, PS4, PS4 Review, Sci-Fi, Short, Space, Wired Productions

Deliver Us The Moon is a classy little title, it’s has a very intriguing story and the intensity of the situation keeps you on your toes. The long load times whilst annoying do give you a chance you fully appreciate the finer details of Deliver Us The Moon. The gorgeous graphics and really impressive voice acting help Deliver Us The Moon an interesting and moving climax. If you like space exploration at your own pace where the tension builds then you won’t find many better than Deliver Us The Moon.

REVIEW CODE: A complimentary Sony Playstation 4 code was provided to Bonus Stage for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to

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Deliver Us The Moon Review
  • Gameplay - 8/10
  • Graphics - 8/10
  • Sound - 8/10
  • Replay Value - 8/10
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Space is the final frontier but you must boldly go once more for humanity’s sake in Deliver Us The Moon.

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