American Truck Simulator – Heavy Cargo Pack Review

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American Truck Simulator is published and developed by SCS Software. It got released on February 2nd, 2016. And is the newest title of the Truck Simulator franchise. It received very positive reviews from the community because of the good-looking scenery and great atmosphere this title has to offer. What really makes people come back for more American Truck Simulator is because of all the content! There is so much to do and see when you travel around in a truck! Just like in Euro Truck Simulator 2, American Truck Simulator truly delivers when it comes to adding new content to the game without changing the experience that we know and love! If you are familiar with Euro Truck Simulator 2, then picking up American Truck Simulator won’t be a problem for you! Not sure whether this is your cup of tea? Let me share my experience with this title!

Before you get started with American Truck Simulator and your journey across America, you will have to create your very own profile inside the game. Choose your name and portrait, and a name for your company and a logo. After you have created your profile, it is time to do the last preparations before you can get started! What you have to do after is choosing your preferred method of driving and what controls you would like to use when you drive. Because of the settings being quite flexible, you will most likely find a play style that suits you. Mouse and keyboard? Steering wheel or controller? You name it! After you’ve selected your preferred method to approach American Truck Simulator, you will be asked whether you would like to go through a tutorial that will explain the game mechanics! Once you’re ready, it is time for your first job!

At the start of your career, you actually don’t own a truck! Which means that you will have to do jobs until you can buy one! As you do different jobs, you will notice that you will have to refill your fuel tank at some point. Since you drive for another company, the fuel expenses will be covered by your employer. Which means that you technically can drive wherever you want. The only downside would be that you will increase your chances of not making it to the destination before the deadline. Doing jobs in American Truck Simulator will be your main source of income after all. Buying a truck at first will be quite expensive, especially if you don’t take a loan from the bank! When you take a loan from the bank, you will pay a certain amount every day until the debt has been paid. The interests will change over time, and you may or may not give more money than expected. The pace of the game might be quite slow at first, but that is the beauty of it. Why not listen to some songs you really enjoy? Or why not pick one of the featured radio channels? If you want, you could also listen to a nice audiobook as you cruise through America!

In the end, I feel like American Simulator is one of the most relaxing experiences out there. It is one of those games that you can pick up any time throughout the day and it is absolutely amazing! Since I previously played Euro Truck Simulator 2, I already had a hunch on what to expect from the masterpiece made by SCS Software. If you’re looking for a relaxing title, I am glad to say that your search is over!

Just like Euro Truck Simulator 2, American Truck Simulator also has downloadable content! Some downloadable content brings more to the table than others! But at the end of the day, it is up to you to decide whether you think they are worth it! SCS Software has done an outstanding job when it comes to keeping the experience we know and love the same way, even though new content is being added. This opens up opportunities to make the game even better than it already is!

You might wonder what the “Heavy Cargo Pack” DLC brings to the table? First of all, the “Heavy Cargo Pack” DLC will allow you to unlock eight new cargo types and two new trailers! The cargos can be things such as a Bulldozer or an All Terrain Crane. As the name shows, all of these things can be quite heavy to pull around, that is the part of the challenge! Being able to give the players an opportunity to challenge themselves with cargos that are heavy and take a lot of space is a really good for those who want to push their limits!

Being able to have that much weight on your cargo will develop your skill in a sense that you will gain more knowledge when it comes to heavier things to transport around. The skills you possibly could develop are nailing your timing when you turn your truck around and such. The “Heavy Cargo Pack” DLC also comes with a few unlockable achievements if you are up for the challenge! The achievements can be anything from completing your first heavy cargo job to completing a cargo mission without taking damage or getting a fee on a distance longer than 1000 miles.

In the end, I really feel like that the “Heavy Cargo Pack” DLC is an acquired taste! Other than earning you good money, it will also develop your skills and make you more flexible when it comes to trucking! I would suggest picking it up if you are up for the challenge!

REVIEW CODE: A complimentary PC code was provided to Bonus Stage for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to

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American Truck Simulator - Heavy Cargo Pack Review
  • Gameplay - 8/10
  • Graphics - 8/10
  • Sound - 8/10
  • Replay Value - 8/10


To wrap it up, the “Heavy Cargo Pack” DLC is a good way for players to develop their skills when it comes to heavy cargos. It really is worth a shot if you are up for the challenge!

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