Every so often a game comes along that makes you want to start a new hobby, whether it be reading or taking long walks in the woods, anything but video games. Unfortunately Cubit was one of those games. Its simple yet frustrating design resembled that of an irritating smart phone game, The Impossible Game springs to mind, when the 3DS is capable of so much more.
One difference is The Impossible Game had a decent electro soundtrack unlike Cubit’s, in which the word “Cubit” is constantly repeated by some sort of robot voice that could be easily replicated with a child’s toy. The reason I bought a 3DS was to avoid simplistic, one button games that could just be a crappy mobile game like Cubit. This game consists of 6 themed areas, which are reached by a series excruciating paths throughout these areas. I did like how each section had its own separate theme as it made your choice of route somewhat important, but I was focusing too hard to think about pretty landscapes.
Cubit is the sort of game that you would play in a 5 or 10 minute break, but when you start playing, it gets harder and harder to stop due to the games addictiveness. That goes for most games that claim to be a “Hardcore Platformer”. It would be almost impossible to count the number of swear words that came out of my mouth while playing this game as the difficulty was just so high. I was very confused about why this game was on the 3DS, as during every game session the 3D distracts your game experience as opposed to enhancing it. In fact, the 3D features seemed pretty much useless for this very reason. I don’t like how this game requires absolute perfection; even focusing 100% isn’t enough to get it right sometimes, whichmakes you all the more inclined to just give up.
At first, Cubit seems like a bit of fun and suffering that you can share with friends or family. But after a while, it just grows tedious when you are constantly dying at the exact same place you did the last 5 runs! It really didn’t shock me when I thought about the price (which is £2.69 on the Nintendo eShop); but I guess you get what you pay for. However, if I had the choice, I would much rather buy a few packs of Party Rings than this irritant. Cubit was also packed with extra/special features which were only accessible if you were good enough to complete one route of the game, which would be an unreachable goal for some.
The simple character and level design tailored well to this game. However, at times it can be a bit laggy and when the 3D was turned on the game’s somewhat smooth running animation was slow in frame rate; yet another reason why this game would be suitable for a mobile instead of a handheld console. Another additional feature was the unlockable characters, but what looked like the main point in the trailer was that they were from other games, but I didn’t recognise any of them.
I’m going to give this game 3 out of 10 due to it being basic and overall a bad game. Cubit The Hardcore Platformer Robot really tries, but it misses a decent rating in multiple ways. The gameplay is messy, the presentation is average at best and the structure as a whole is just shocking. While I was playing this painful game I was debating what would go out the window first; my 3DS or me. Cubit must appeal to some people as obviously it wouldn’t exist, but you’d have to be a special breed of hardcore gamer to enjoy Cubit The Hardcore Platformer Robot. I guess it’s matter of opinion but these types of games do not appeal to me.
REVIEW CODE: A complimentary Nintendo 3DS code was provided to Bonus Stage for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to press@4gn.co.uk.
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Gameplay - /10
Graphics - /10
Sound - /10
Replay Value - /10