Are you ready to Flip Out? Then it’s time to use those trigger fingers and start knocking that shiny ball around a gorgeous virtual pinball table. Zen pinball 2 is a pinball table simulator. It has been developed by Zen Studios that you will have defiantly heard of if pinball is your thing. Zen Pinball 2 is a gateway to many different pinball tables. It’s a pinball player’s wet dream.
There are many tables available to purchase, but the tables we are here to talk about is South Park Super Sweet Pinball. There are two tables on offer that include all your favourite South Park characters, where you can join Stan, Cartman, Kenny, Chef and Butters to name a few (Butters even gets a whole table to himself). If fact you will find all the main South Park characters and more hidden in the tables somewhere.
So as I have said there are two tables on offer. They are both full of hidden features that will keep you occupied for a good few hours. If you have played any of Zen Studios other pinball tables already, then you will know what to expect. I have played many pinball games over the years and I am always on the look-out for a decent pinball simulation. Unfortunately where I live in cold and rainy Edinburgh, there are no pinball tables to be found anywhere. So I have to resort to the virtual kind. The two tables that we have here do look fantastic.
The graphics are really colourful and look fantastic in full HD glory. They have some fun animations build into them that adds to the enjoyment. Something that is impossible to have on a real pinball machine. The actual feel and physics to the gameplay is pretty good. It is a very hard thing to emulate that real feel of the pressure you feel on a real machine when you start using your flippers to throw your ball around the table.
Zen Studios have done a pretty good job at this. It’s probably as close as you will ever get to its real life counterpart. You also have some great sound effects and a ton of hidden features across both tables. It will take you a very long time to find and unlock all the hidden mini games and features. It is great fun trying to find them and once you do a challenge to complete them for that all important high score. At the end of the day it’s your high score that matters in the game of pinball, so if you wish to beat your friend’s high scores then you simply have to find and complete as many challenges as you can. It takes a lot of skill and well-aimed shooting to complete the challenges. I spent quite a few hours playing both South Park pinball tables and I still feel I have not found everything. As you play these challenges this is where you will find your much loved South Park characters like Chef and many others. It really starts to feel like you are playing a South Park episode as you battle to see what happens.
As I have mentioned your high score is what matters in a game of pinball. Being a game of the 21st century, Zen Pinball has an online feature. Where you can battle your friends or complete strangers for that all important high score. Its great fun and you don’t even need your friend to be online to compete as all your scores for each table are stored in Zen Pinballs high score cloud. You can even fight for number one in the world if you wish. Something I am never going to get as there are some hard-core pinball players out there that play nothing but pinball, but it is good fun trying.
So to finalise things, what do we have to say about South Park Super Sweet Pinball? Well it’s a pretty good game. Both tables are fun and you will spend hours playing them if you are both a South Park and pinball fan. The only bad point I can think of, is that it can become a bit tedious at times. You can spend a long time trying to aim the ball at the correct target on the table and find the hidden challenges. It needs a lot of practice to become an expert. However it is very rewarding, especially as you find a new hidden challenge which gets you all excited again.
To top all this goodness of this is cross play meaning you can play it on the go if you have a PlayStation VITA as well all for no extra cost. I would say if you like pinball games, I think the Zen Pinball 2 tables are fantastic and probably the best you are getting to get at the moment. Also if you are a huge South Park fan as well then this game is a must. Now go enjoy yourself!!
REVIEW CODE: A complimentary Sony Playstation 4 code was provided to Bonus Stage for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to
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Gameplay - /10
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