9/10 Destiny 2: Forsaken Review Kamil Dyszewski No Comments The Forsaken expansion turns the core formula of Destiny on its head, and molds it into a superb package which is likely to revive stagnating Destiny 2, and give it a second chance at life.
Destiny 2 – Expansion II: Warmind Review Sam Gordon - No Longer Writes for Bonus Stage No Comments Warmind is a Destiny lore hunters dream, but is it enough to bring back the fans they have lost?
Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris Review Kamil Dyszewski No Comments Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris, is a complete antithesis of the core game, but one which many will fall in love with.
Destiny 2 Review Kamil Dyszewski No Comments Destiny 2 is the title that Destiny should have been all those years ago.