Demons Crystals Review

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Demon’s Crystals is a twin stick arcade styled shooter developed and published by BadLand Games. Players will fight off various hordes of enemies which change throughout the game as progression is made. Demon’s Crystals offers players with three different game modes, these consist of Arcade, Multiplayer (only local multiplayer) and Survival Modes. With each of these game modes there are also three different difficulties which pushed me to my limits during my playthrough. Throughout the levels players will be frantically running around the map to find power ups to allow for the deletion of the huge hordes of enemies. This game will test players reactions and their aim as it tests your dodging capabilities and accuracy with many of the weapons.

The Arcade game mode allows players to play through continuous different levels which finally end with a boss battle. These boss battles are hugely exciting and I would have loved to have seen more of them throughout the game as the levels leading up to them can begin to get rather repetitive so these boss battles help to break up this repetitiveness. The only reason I felt I was playing through the levels was not for the enjoyment but for the chance to unlock the boss at the end which was the more challenging aspect.

With the multiplayer only being local this could be a great game to play when friends are around, however does limit the player by not being able to invite online friends to join in with the gameplay which I find would have been a huge positive with a game such as this. If this game did have online multiplayer I would have recommended this to friends and invited them to join me in playing this game, however this wasn’t an option unfortunately.

The survival game mode was also quite enjoyable as it allowed me to test my abilities to consistently fight off the hordes of different enemies as I challenged myself to try and get further and further with each attempt, I would recommend playing this game mode after completing the main arcade mode.

Players are given the chance to play as different characters that can be levelled to level 90, however they do not have any differing qualities from characters other than a simple reskin. I feel like this is an opportunity that was missed out by developers to create more depth to their game and give a reason for players to use different characters other than having to level each of them to the maximum for a few of the trophies. Also with the levelling that is offered there could be many different gameplay elements that could have been implemented that would have encouraged playing different characters, maybe upgradable abilities for each of the characters for example.

Basic Trophy List than doesn’t contain a platinum trophy, sorry to all your trophy hunters out there. However, it does provide a challenging trophy list that if you would want to gather some trophies I would suggest picking this game up, however there are some trophies which would require players to grind for some time, like defeating 100000 enemies for example, which is a huge test in any game!

Other than completing the main story there isn’t much replay ability to this game, at least that’s my opinion, other than the story and levels there was no personal progression or rewards for my efforts. The main problem that I found with this game is that there was a poor amount of variety throughout and to be honest it was very easy to put down and didn’t really leave me wanting more. However, with a price tag of £3.99 currently on PS4 there is an argument to have against this opinion. This game also had no issues with glitches or any problems with lag which is always a positive. Myself I wouldn’t recommend this purchase other than if you have any spare change left in your Store Wallet.

REVIEW CODE: A complimentary Sony Playstation 4 code was provided to Bonus Stage for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to

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