Deformers Review

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Multiplayer games are difficult to review at the best of times. Sometimes you have to mark down an exceptional game such as Overwatch for lack of any substantial content, whereas in other instances, you are forced to discredit titles filled with content for their unenjoyable and inept gameplay, such as For Honor. But every now and then you stumble across a multiplayer title which is borderline impossible to review simply because it’s dead. And unfortunately Read at Dawn’s Deformers is one of such titles.

Deformers launched on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, on the 21st of April, and it has done so while brandishing a rather extraordinary price tag of £34.99. And the said price tag, might have been Deformers’ most significant flaw, as at that point in time, you could buy a copy of Overwatch with that money, and still have £10 left in your pocket.

One could make many observations in relation to Deformers’ approach to pricing, but the one that is of the utmost importance is related to the fact that it has simply driven its potential users away. As of right now, the title in question is completely dead. In fact, it is decaying as even numerous gaming forums, related to trophy hunting and multiplayer have either closed off Deformers sections, or users of such sites have completely abandoned them.

Without an active player base, both in-game and outside of it, it is impossible to test the multiplayer component of the title. And this is especially worrying when you consider the fact that Deformers is a multiplayer only title. However, it is possible to try all three in-game modes of the title, with ‘dummies’.

The aforementioned modes, which are featured in the game are deathmatch, team deathmatch, and a rocket league’esque football game mode. And all three of them can be played with ‘dummies’. But where titles such as Overwatch, and Counter-Strike feature bots which behave like other human players, Deformers’ ‘dummies’ simply stand still. And it is especially strange considering the fact that within the training mode, you can find AI controlled opponents capable of carrying out majority of the basic in-game motions. And these include rolling, striking, and grappling – in addition to these actions, players can also use special abilities, fire projectiles, and throw grappled enemies.

The state in which Deformers is currently in is rather dire, as it simply cannot be played without other individuals. And even if you are stubborn enough to play more than a single match in-game, before uninstalling it, you won’t be rewarded for your trouble. As games with ‘dummies’ do not provide you with any experience, or currency. Meaning that you can’t level up, and earn trophies/achievements related to the levelling system. And even if you decide to play the title using the couch co-op mode, you’ll be forced to use the same handful of blob costumes, as currency can only be obtained through multiplayer, and without it costumes are simply impossible to obtain.

The title could have been salvaged with a single-player story mode, and/or active bots, but it seems like either the developer or publisher, have decided against it. As by looking at its current state, Deformers was simply not ready to launch with such price tag, and with the insubstantial content which can be found within it.

In short, Deformers is a title which is not worth your time, and most of all your money. In fact, its current state is so repulsive, even a considerable sale, of as much as 80% wouldn’t make it attractive to potential buyers. And do not be surprised to see it gone from the digital storefronts within which it currently resides, as just like other deceased multiplayer only titles, it is likely to be taken down by all three platform holders.

Bonus Stage Rating - Terrible 1/10

REVIEW CODE: A complimentary Sony Playstation 4 code was provided to Bonus Stage for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to

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