The Walking Dead Pinball Review

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When I first saw The Walking Dead Pinball game on the PSN Store, I assumed it was just another company trying to cash in off of Telltale’s master piece. I thought it was going to be a zombie themed pinball table with “The Walking Dead” title being used to bring in fans of the series, where it actually had nothing to do with The Walking Dead. However, after getting my hands on it I realised, this was not the case. Zen Studios made an effort to include as many of the game’s features as well as they could in a pinball game, along with a few sound clips from season one of the characters we know and love (and those we don’t) which to me was quite refreshing.

My first impression of The Walking Dead Pinball game was the same as my pinball skills, weak. Getting game over after game over grew shortly tedious. But after re-discovering my impeccable pinball skills, my experience became a lot more enjoyable. As I mentioned I was a bit sceptical about this add-on, I was half expecting the table to have a picture of Lee on it; and that would be the only aspect added from Telltale’s game. But I was proven wrong after playing for a good hour of this game, seeing as I couldn’t put the controller down!

Such feature integration included missions, which could be playable once a walker was hit 3 times. After you did this you would have the option to choose from one season one’s episodes, for each of which you would need to the make decisions between life and death once again. For each episode you would do something different to score a certain amount of points in the set time, in one mission you have to score 1,000,000 using only the bumpers. After you complete an episode two letters light up. Once all of the letters light up they spell out “Clementine”, who knows what magical things happen when you spell it out? You’ll have to be a Pinball Master to get that far!

One great thing about this table is the aesthetics. The art style in Telltale’s The Walking Dead game is brought out perfectly in this game. On just one table you get to see all the places you’ve survived through in the original game, from Clem’s house to the Motel. Seeing all these places will make you want to revisit the Walking Dead world once more. I definitely think that Zen Studios managed to catch a portion of The Walking Dead magic while making this table.

My overall thoughts of The Walking Dead Pinball table are very positive. It’s a great pastime if you have a good 10 minutes to spare. But those 10 minutes can shortly develop into a few hours, as you desperately try and beat your high score. I’d also encourage you to get your friends to buy a copy, as Zen Pinball allows you to compare scores. This, if you all fancy yourselves pinball masters, can get very competitive and potentially ruin friendships. However, if you are expecting this to be Season 3 of The Walking Dead Game then you will be extremely disappointed. This is just for those who want to look back on the good, and the bad, memories you had as well as playing a mean game of pinball.

I’d without a doubt recommend this game to any fan of Telltale’s The Walking Dead Game who want to take a trip down memory lane. For a Zen Pinball add-on, The Walking Dead Pinball was far better than I expected. I’ve already spent hours playing on this table and will spend many more trying to light up “Clementine”. Maybe one day I’ll find out, but for now I’ll have to deeply revise my pinball skills. For a small add-on, this will be worth your £2.49!

REVIEW CODE: A complimentary Sony Playstation 4 code was provided to Bonus Stage for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to

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