Mini Motor Racing EVO Review

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It’s time to grab that racing helmet and strap yourself in. Mini Motor Racing EVO is bought to us by the developers ‘The Binary Mill’. It’s a fast paced, high octane mini racing game. The game features many fun tracks, cars and upgrades to keep you busy. For this review I am reviewing it on Steam. However it is also available for iOS and Android as well. Mini Motor Racing is an arcade-style racer with emphasis on fun over realism.

Whoever came up with the idea for Mini Motor Racing has defiantly been playing the classic Micro Machines game. Mini Motor Racing EVO is way more than a simple point in the right directing and go game. You need to master power slides and using nitro boosts at the right points to win the races. The controls at first seem bit fiddly, they were set up for what I expect you would use on the tablet version. You have to flick your vehicle into the right directing to get around the track successfully. This is very fiddly and I could not get the hang of it. However you can change the controls to an easier method of using the left analogue stick (I use an Xbox Pad) to direct your car in the right direction. It’s a bit hard to explain, but you will understand better once you get your hands on it yourself.

The graphics are great in this game. They are bright vibrant and cartoonish. They work really well and look like an upgraded version of micro machines. There are also a number of tracks based on other video games. One of them is a Portal track that has various sounds that you will recognise along with a Portal themed track, if you are a fan of Portal.

There are various game modes to choose from in Mini Motor Racing EVO. You have Quick Race, which is pretty much what it says. You have a Multiplayer mode where you can race against your join a public game or have a private race against friends. There is also a track editor where you can create your own master piece to race around. And finally you have the career mode where you start from the beginning and compete to be the best.

In the career mode this is where you really start to get deep into the game. As you compete in the basic cup races and progress to the harder cup races you will gain cash. You use this to upgrade your selected cars extras. These include things like Nitro, Acceleration, Top Speed and Handling. These are all vital ingredients to race with. The first few cups in this game are ridiculously easy to win. For them you don’t really need to do any upgrading. However as you progress to the harder races you will need to start upgrading. You simply cannot expect to win with the stock car setups in these races. It’s all good though, as each upgrade adds to the enjoyment as you get to race better car setups and start concentrating on the strategy. The feeling you get as you power slide around a corner to get past another car is great fun. Winning races in the later cups is not easy, but it’s very satisfying when you win.

Mini Motor Racing EVO comes across as a simple point and race game, however once you really start to play it and stick with it; you will find a really simple and fun to play racing game. It was a surprise to me as I went into it not expecting much, but I came out loving this game. It’s easy to pick up and play and doesn’t take much to master. If you are a fan of the old Micro Machine games then you will love this game. I highly recommend buying it, you won’t regret it.

REVIEW CODE: A complimentary PC code was provided to Bonus Stage for this review. Please send all review code enquiries to

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