Tag: MAGES. Inc.
This may be the final instalment of the Science Adventure series, but what a fantastic, gorgeous note on which to go out.
The terror and promise of the future, the hope and fear of being a teenager, and the joys of discovery with companions; it all makes up Robotics; Notes.
I mean...yes?
The mad scientist of visual novels smashes out of conventional presentation with a fully animated take on the gripping thriller/comedy of time travel and love.
Sometimes we make mistakes, and mistakes can cost lives: but, through trial and error, can we repair the damage, or are we doomed to repeat and suffer?
A silly but sincere departure from the core games, My Darling’s Embrace is the romantic filler episode in what has been a very heavy series, and I loved it.
Punch Line is a fun adventure visual novel that manages to stand out from the rest.
More visual novel than action game, Blood Drive gives a satisfying end to the Corpse Party saga, though it will leave newcomers scratching their heads.
A delightful little adventure, Yu-No is back in an 8-bit scroller that has a surprising amount of depth, replay, and genuinely interesting gameplay at work.
A confusing and verbose game, YU-NO still can spellbind the right player, and it’s a fascinating piece that shows how one game can turn a genre on its head.